shape labs ONE

The world's unique formula combines all factors for maximum weight loss in a single, effective formulation.

Increases metabolism & calorie consumption [1][3][4]

Fills the stomach without calories [2]

Reduces body fat [1] and calorie intake [1][2]

Reduces cravings and appetite [1][2]

Anna-Lisa is there for you

Do you have any questions? Then write directly to the founder: E-Mail


confirm a noticeable effect from the first application [1]


confirm weight loss in combination with a calorie-reduced diet [1]


confirm that you will achieve and maintain your desired weight in the long term [1]

Effects & Ingredients

While conventional diets, shakes or capsules often only deliver limited results, shape labs ONE combines all the important factors for holistic weight loss in one product.

Developed by a nutrition coach & personal trainer, our unique formula targets where it counts most:

  • Increases metabolism and calorie consumption.
  • Fills the stomach without calories: lose weight without hunger
  • Reduces body fat and calorie intake.
  • Reduces cravings and appetite

Shape labs ONE is the only system in the world that combines all four pillars in one incomparable product. It starts to work from the first application and delivers measurable results through clinically tested active ingredients and studies.

The active ingredient formula contains, among others, the following power substances:


Clinically studied Capsimax targets several key areas for effective weight management:

  1. Increases calorie consumption & metabolism
  2. Suppresses appetite and reduces calorie intake
  3. Increases fat burning & lipolysis

Capsimax has been proven to burn ~129 calories at rest within just 4 hours.


Officially confirmed effect: Glucomannan contributes to weight loss as part of a low-calorie diet.

It swells when it comes into contact with liquid and provides a pleasant feeling of fullness in your stomach without consuming calories.

Delays gastric emptying and thus contributes to an increased feeling of satiety.

Reduces the absorption of fat from food.


contributes to normal lipid metabolism.

contributes to normal homocysteine ​​metabolism.

contributes to the maintenance of normal liver function

Green Tea Extract

contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism


contributes to normal macronutrient metabolism.

contributes to the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels.


contributes to normal energy metabolism.

contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism.

contributes to normal homocysteine ​​metabolism.

contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Vitamin B1 + B6

contributes to normal thyroid function.

Full ingredients:

Konjac powder (Amorphophallus konjac, 95% glucomannan), capsule shell HPMC vegan, transparent, choline bitartrate (LipoCholine®), CapsiMax® (2% capsinoids), guarana extract (Paullinia cupana, 10% caffeine), zinc gluconate (12.9% zinc), green tea extract (Camellia sinensis, 95% polyphenols, 45% EGCG), sodium selenite (0.45% selenium), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl, 82.269% vitamin B6), vitamin B1 (thiamine HCL, 78.67% vitamin B1), D-biotin, chromium (III) picolinate (12.43% chromium)

60 capsules = 30 servings


Recommended intake:

For best results, take 2 capsules 3 times daily with plenty of water (1-2 glasses) before a low-calorie meal.

The effect sets in after about 15 minutes and the capsules take effect.


The recommended daily intake should not be exceeded. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of small children.

Glucomannan contributes to weight loss as part of a low-calorie diet. The positive effect of glucomannan is achieved with a daily intake of 3 g of glucomannan in three portions of 1 g each in combination with 1-2 glasses of water before meals and as part of a low-calorie diet.

Why shape labs?

We won't leave you alone!

As part of our exclusive weight loss support, we are always there for you even after you have placed your order and will work with you to achieve your dream weight.

Whether it's nutritional advice, personal experiences, training tips. With our expertise, we accompany you on your journey and are always there for you:

- Email ⁄ WhatsApp ⁄ Phone -

Effect proven in studies

Worldwide unique formula

weight loss support after purchase

Warum shape labs?

Shape labs ist die erste umfassende Lösung für Gewichtsmanagement*, die alle wissenschaftlich fundierten Faktoren in einem einzigen, wirkungsvollen Produkt vereint:

Gewichtsverlust*, Stoffwechsel*, Hunger & Appetit*


Diese fortschrittliche Formulierung bietet eine effektive, klinisch getestete und mit Studien untermauerte Wirkstoffkombination, um Gewicht zu verlieren* – sofort wirksam und nachhaltig.

Wie wirkt shape labs ONE?

Gewichtsverlust* Formel 

Die ultimative Gewichtsverlust* Formel in shape labs ONE beinhaltet den offiziell nachgewiesenen Wirkstoff zur Gewichtsreduktion.*


* Glucomannan trägt im Rahmen einer kalorienarmen Ernährung zu Gewichtsverlust bei. (Alle Informationen zum Wirkstoff, dessen Anwendung und der Studien findest du hier.)

Stoffwechsel* Komplex 

Der enthaltene Stoffwechsel* Komplex in shape labs ONE besteht aus einer innovativen, hochdosierten Kombination aus 9 Stoffwechsel*-Wirkstoffen und sorgt so für eine effektive Optimierung.

  • *Cholin trägt zu einem normalen Fettstoffwechsel bei
  • *Cholin trägt zu einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel bei
  • *Vitamin B1 trägt zu einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel bei
  • *Biotin trägt zu einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel bei
  • *Biotin trägt zu einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Makronährstoffen bei
  • *Chrom trägt zu einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Makronährstoffen bei
  • *Vitamin B6 trägt zu einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel bei
  • *Vitamin B6 trägt zu einem normalen Eiweiß- und Glykogenstoffwechsel bei
  • *Vitamin B6 trägt zu einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel bei
  • *Zink trägt zu einem normalen Kohlenhydrat-Stoffwechsel bei
  • *Zink trägt zu einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Makronährstoffen bei
  • *Zink trägt zu einem normalen Fettsäurestoffwechsel bei
  • *Zink trägt zu einem normalen Säure-Basen-Stoffwechsel bei
  • *Zink trägt zu einem normalen Vitamin A-Stoffwechsel bei
  • Selen trägt zu einer normalen Schilddrüsenfunktion bei

Hunger & Appetit

Das Härteste beim Erreichen deiner Wunschfigur ist der ständige Kampf gegen Hunger und Appetit?


Glucomannan führt aufgrund des Quellvermögens unverdaulicher Kohlenhydrate - großteils löslicher Ballaststoffe - zu einem erhöhten Volumen einer Mahlzeit im Magen. 


Das Pulver quillt in Kombination mit Wasser auf und füllt den Magen kurz nach der Einnahme.


Durch die Aufnahme mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit vor einer Mahlzeit, setzt das Sättigungsgefühl eher ein und man nimmt leichter weniger Nahrung zu sich. 

starte jetzt mit shape labs ONE

Die Wissenschaft hinter shape labs ONE

Die Wissenschaft hinter shape labs

Wissenschaftlich bewiesen

Die Wirksamkeit aller Wirkstoffe wurde in zahlreichen klinischen Studien nachgewiesen und von einem Expertenteam nach aktueller Studienlage & europäischen Health Claims entwickelt.

Einzigartige Formulierung

Als erste Formulierung zum ganzheitlichen Gewichtsverlust*, kombiniert shape labs ONE alle Faktoren für effektivsten Gewichtsverlust* in einem einzigen Produkt.

Effektive Wirkung

Die Wirkung setzt direkt ab der ersten Anwendung ein. Du startest direkt und effektiv damit, Gewicht zu verlieren.*

zu den Studien

Clinically proven effect

How shape labs ONE works

The revolutionary formulation combines all 4 crucial factors for maximum weight loss in a single, effective product.

Increases metabolism & calorie consumption [1][3][4]

Taking shape pharm helps increase calorie consumption by up to 25%. Even without physical activity.

The metabolism is running at full speed.

Fills the stomach without calories [2]

Reduces appetite and gives a feeling of satiety: The powder swells in the stomach and fills it - without consuming any calories -

Lose weight without hunger.

Reduces body fat & calorie intake [1][2]

Clinical studies have shown that taking shape pharm can burn up to 86% more fat (especially belly fat). In addition, the intake of fat and carbohydrates through the diet is reduced.

Reduces cravings and appetite [1][2]

Appetite-reducing ingredients also prevent cravings and hunger pangs.

Studies show reduced food intake by up to 30% and reduced appetite.

Your path to your desired weight

The effect starts

You will lose weight immediately after taking it for the first time. Your body adjusts to the active ingredients and fat burning begins.

achieve your dream weight

This is the phase where you will have the greatest effect. The active ingredient complex keeps your combustion and metabolism running at full speed without you having to go hungry.

maintain your desired weight

Once you have reached your dream weight, you can reduce the dosage if necessary and use shape pharm to maintain your new weight.

Why shape labs ?

shape labs


Scientifically proven effect for weight loss

No proven effect or studies

Holistic coverage of all relevant factors for weight loss

Only 1-2 factors. Consequently only limited effect

Developed after studies by nutrition coaches & personal trainers

One-sided standard formulations or white label

1:1 weight loss coaching until you reach your desired weight, even after purchase

Customer is often left completely alone after the purchase

Most innovative & globally unique formulation

Lack of innovation & expertise leads to

Sustained effect to maintain desired weight in the long term

Often crash diets, yo-yo effect and subsequent dissatisfaction

All facts about shape labs

What is shape labs and what makes it so unique?

Shape labs ONE is the world's first comprehensive weight management solution that combines all science-based factors in a single, effective product.

This advanced formulation offers an effective, clinically tested and study-backed combination of active ingredients to help you lose weight – immediately effective and sustainable.

shape labs: The future of weight management

Our goal is to become a leader in science-based weight management products – and to help millions of people finally reach their desired weight and thus live healthier and longer lives.

For this purpose, we have developed shape labs ONE - with the aim of combining the most important factors and active ingredients for weight loss in one product.

And we don't stop at the product. We don't leave you alone after you've ordered shape labs ONE, but are available to you at any time as part of our exclusive weight loss support. Together we will do everything we can to help you reach your desired weight.

How does shape labs work?

While conventional diets, shakes or capsules often only deliver limited results, shape labs ONE combines all the important factors for holistic weight loss in one product.

Developed by a nutritionist & a nutritionist & personal trainer, our unique formula targets where it counts most:

  • Increases metabolism and calorie consumption.
  • Fills the stomach without calories: lose weight without hunger
  • Reduces body fat and calorie intake.
  • Reduces cravings and appetite

Shape labs ONE is the only system in the world that combines all four pillars in one incomparable product. It starts to work from the first application and delivers measurable results through clinically tested active ingredients and studies.

How much weight can I lose with shape labs?

Studies have shown that it is possible to lose up to 35% of your body weight. An exact figure cannot be given, as every user starts our system at a different weight. You will get the most effective results if you stick exactly to the instructions and at the same time follow a low-calorie diet.

Will there be a yo-yo effect?

Many crash diets or weight loss products result in you falling back into old habits and gaining back the weight you lost. Shape labs is changing that too: Our customers use shape labs in a reduced dose to successfully maintain the weight they have lost. This way, you can stay at your dream weight long-term, even after you have lost weight.

How effective is shape labs at reducing weight?

The 4 Pillar System is the first in the world to include all the factors needed for effective weight loss.

Is shape labs suitable for me?

Shape labs is suitable for any adult who wants to reduce their weight with the most advanced system available or who wants to effectively maintain their dream weight.

What is the difference between shape labs and the weight loss injection?

The currently well-known fat-loss injection or weight-loss injection is a prescription drug that merely suppresses hunger and appetite.

Shape labs, on the other hand, includes all factors for weight loss and can therefore be more effective.

At shape labs you also benefit from our exclusive weight loss support even after your purchase.

How does weight loss support work?

We won't leave you alone!

As part of our exclusive weight loss support, we are always there for you even after you have placed your order and will work with you to achieve your dream weight.

Whether it's nutritional advice, personal experiences, training tips. With our expertise, we accompany you on your journey and are always there for you:

- Email ⁄ WhatsApp ⁄ Phone -

What studies are there on the active ingredients? [1] [2] [3] [4]

Alle Wirkaussagen beziehen sich auf tatsächliche Studienergebnisse der in shape labs ONE enthaltenen Inhaltsstoffe. Als wissenschaftlich fundierte Marke, ist es unser Bestreben, unsere Inhaltsstoffe & deren Wirkung so ausführlich und so transparent wie möglich darzustellen. Zu diesem Zweck teilen wir alle Forschungsergebnisse, Studien & Kundenerfahrungen gerne im Folgenden.


[1] Studien zum Wirkstoff Capsicum annum/Capsaicinoide:

Health Claims der EFSA (Status: pending): 
Capsicum annum trägt zur Gewichtsreduktion bei 
Capsicum annum trägt zur Unterstützung bei Abnehmprogrammen bei

a) Lipids Health Dis. 2010; 9: 72. Published online 2010 Jul 15. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-9-72 PMCID: PMC2912905 PMID: 20633266. Effect of oral intake of capsaicinoid beadlets on catecholamine secretion and blood markers of lipolysis in healthy adults. Richard J. Bloomer, Robert E. Canale, Sid Shastri, Sujata Suvarnapathki.

b) Effects of red pepper added to high-fat and high-carbohydrate meals on energy metabolism and substrate utilization in Japanese women. Yoshioka M, et al. Br J Nutr 1998;80: 503–510.

c) doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.02.025. Epub 2017 Feb 21. Effects of twelve weeks of capsaicinoid supplementation on body composition, appetite and self-reported caloric intake in overweight individuals

Stacie L Urbina 1Michael D Roberts 2Wesley C Kephart 3Katelyn B Villa 4Emily N Santos 5Alyssa M Olivencia 6Haley M Bennett 7Marissa D Lara 8Cliffa A Foster 9Martin Purpura 10Ralf Jäger 11Lem W Taylor 12Colin D Wilborn 13

d) Capsaicinoids Enhance Metabolic Rate in Normal Healthy Individuals using a Novel Metabolic Tracker Breezing Device-An Open Label Placebo Controlled Acute Study

  Yue Deng1       Fang Chen1      Erica Forzani1      Vijaya Juturu2*   

1Center of Bioelectronics and Biosensors, Bio-design Institute, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA
2OmniActive Health Technologies Inc, Morristown, New Jersey, USA

*Corresponding author: Vijaya Juturu, OmniActive Health Technologies, Inc. Morristown, New Jersey 07960, USA, 



[2] Studien zum Wirkstoff Glucomannan:

a) Au-Yeung F, et al. The effects of gelled konjac glucomannan fibre on appetite and energy intake in healthy individuals: a randomised cross-over trial. Br J Nutr. 2018; 119(1):109-116.

b) Bonetti G, et al. Dietary supplements for obesity. J Prev Med Hyg. 2022; 63(2 Suppl 3): E160–E168.

c) Devi Devaraj R, et al. Health-promoting effects of konjac glucomannan and its practical applications: A critical review. Int J Biol Macromol. 2019; 126: 273-281.

d) EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA). Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to konjac mannan (glucomannan). EFSA Journal 2010; 8(10): 1798.

e) Fang Y, et al. Konjac Glucomannan: An Emerging Specialty Medical Food to Aid in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Foods. 2023;12(2):363.

f) Moraru C, et al. A Meta-Analysis on Randomised Controlled Clinical Trials Evaluating the Effect of the Dietary Supplement Chitosan on Weight Loss, Lipid Parameters and Blood Pressure. Medicina (Kaunas). 2018; 54(6): 109.

g) Zhang Z, et al. Effects of Glucomannan Supplementation on Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Humans: A Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2023; 15(3): 601.


[3] Studien zum Wirkstoff Grüntee Extract:

a) Hursel, R., Viechtbauer, W. & Westerterp-Plantenga, M. (2009): The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis. Int J Obes 33, 956–961

b) Rothenberg, D. O., et al. (2018): A Review on the Weight-Loss Effects of Oxidized Tea Polyphenols. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 23(5), 1176.


[4] Studien zum Wirkstoff Beta Glucane:

a) Howard, E. J., Meyer, R. K., Weninger, S. N. et al. (2024). Impact of Plant-Based Dietary Fibers on Metabolic Homeostasis in High-Fat Diet Mice via Alterations in the Gut Microbiota and Metabolites. The Journal of Nutrition.

b) University of Arizona. How your morning oats could help you manage your weight


[5]  Studien zum Wirkstoff Cholin:







customer reviews

The following customer reviews reflect exclusively the opinions and experiences of the respective authors. We do not adopt these reviews as our own, nor do we identify with their content. The reviews are intended solely to provide information and guidance to our visitors.

Customer Reviews

Based on 38 reviews
Absolute recommendation

I can only recommend these capsules to anyone who wants to lose weight. I feel like I have tested every product on the market myself and in my opinion shape labs is finally a product that keeps its promises. A clear recommendation and more orders will definitely follow.

Everything is great

I take the capsules every day and find them very well tolerated. They work. I've already lost weight.

Still need time

Not yet taken was just delivered

Very good

Very good, I am satisfied with that😊

weight loss capsules

I can't say anything yet because I don't know the product yet. But I hope I will finally lose weight. I really want that. I hope you have a nice evening. Your Erika Feldes from Weiterstadt ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

1 2 3

About Us

We want you to feel comfortable

shape labs was created in the search for ONE weight loss formula. There were already numerous weight loss shakes, unbelievable fat burners and prescription drugs on the market.

But there was simply a lack of an over-the-counter product that combines all the factors of weight loss in one formulation and offers weight loss, metabolism & hunger control in one.

To change that, we developed shape labs ONE. The result is a unique all-in-one formula whose effectiveness has been proven in numerous studies and can now help many people to start effective weight management.

Samuel & Anna-Lisa / Founders shape labs

to our story

Our investor

Judith Williams

A healthy lifestyle and feeling good in your own body. With this mission and a holistic approach to weight management, shape labs was able to win Judith Williams as an investor. Together we want to support many people in leading a healthy life and achieving their ideal weight.

Jetzt mit shape labs ONE starten

Yuki Movement

Our innovative formula is known from


Unsere Story




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